
Supplements and herbal medicines under threat

Stop Health Canada From Taking Away Your Herbal Medicines and Supplements

Do you use natural health products?

Do you care if they become unaffordable and unavailable?

If you answered yes to either of these questions then you need to take action now to Save our Supplements!

Despite some hard won concessions from Health Canada in the 1990s and early 2000s that brought in good manufacturing guidelines and adverse event reporting for natural medicines, as well as licenses for product and factories, since that time the well intentioned Natural Products regulations have been watered down and eroded by the federal government, leading to loss of quality products from the marketplace, unaffordability of natural products for many Canadians and worse health for people overall.

In June of this year, Health Canada announced a new campaign called Regulatory Framework for Self Care.  An industry impact assessment found that 1 in 5 brands may leave Canada resulting in the loss of thousands of products.  This will limit the opportunity for you to choose safe and effective natural products for self care and will consolidate money and power in the hands of big pharma.

BCHA has members who have a longstanding history of working with Health Canada to regulate NHPs. We are pleased to tell you that the Canadian Health Food Association is spearheading a strong campaign to push back against these regulations that are out of all proportion to the relative risk of herbal medicines.

see their website for details on the threat to our products :

and join their campaign to voice your concerns :

We need everyone who cares about herbs to contact their MP, ask some hard questions, and raise their voice in protest.

Time is of the essence - with less than a month originally offered for public commentary, we have been successful in pushing the closing date for comments back to August 10th - but that is very soon!

If you care about the natural medicines in Canada, get involved.

Let others know the supplements they use every day are at risk.

Spread the word. #SaveOurSupplements

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