
Donations are integral to the success and continuation of the administrative and advocacy work the BCHA does. We rely on membership dues, donations and corporate sponsorships to sustain the association’s non-profit activities and status. Donations are tax-deductible and can be made online, by filling out the form below.

Donating will support the BCHA to:

  • Advocate for our health profession with the BC provincial government.
  • Support the Canadian Council of Herbal Associations (CCHA) with advocacy for access to herbs at the Canadian federal government.
  • Fund travel expenses for BC member of CCHA to attend annual general meeting.
  • Support the BC Animal’s Association (BCAO) for our right to work with animals.
  • Provide practitioner educational tools to our members through our website.
  • Provide education to the general public about the benefits of herbal medicine and our industry.
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